Howell County MO

The Courthouse

The 1883 courthouse greets us as we arrive at the Square. We enter from Washington Avenue at the far right in the background next to the Carter Hardware with the hipped roof. Henry Hoenschild of Rolla, Missouri, a 19-year-old architect, designed this Courthouse. The county paid for it with $16,600 in bonds. The building contractor was George Goodlander. The tiny building on the lawn of the Courthouse is a newspaper stand.

In 1936, a new courthouse was begun by the Public Works Administration. The members of the county court that oversaw its construction were J.L. House, presiding judge; J.M. Spence and Joseph M. Willard, associate judges; and Leonard Manze, county clerk. Earl Hawkins was the architect and L.H. Britton the builder. It was art deco in design and built of Carthage marble and granite.

By Tony Aid. West Plains 1880-1930. & West Plains 1930-1970.

Did you know?

  • The original courthouse was built in 1883 and designed by a 19 year old architect from Rolla, MO.
  • In 1936 the new courthouse was built by the Public Works Administration.

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